
This Week in Scripture; anger and modesty are related!

Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Selah Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD. - Psalm 4:4-5

I'll be the first to admit that I have a bad temper (In fact, I believe I touched up on this topic a while back.) and the Holy Spirit has convicted me in that regard (That's one reason why I don't curse; that and I don't want "unwholesome talk to come out of my mouth" (See Ephesians 4:29; it's "corrupting talk" in the ESV.), but it's better to edify others instead of bring folks down.

Focusing on the behavior instead helps; to lovingly correct a friend or loved one is difficult, but it needs to be done and it should be done with love on the mind. The offending party needs to stress this to the offender; the offender should consider that his or her actions are offensive and need to repent. I've had one or two people do this to me and I've been grateful for the correction; unfortunately, I've also had folks that didn't bother and let me continue in sin. That grieved me more than the original offense.

Since I have desired to be more modest, I've been more and more concerned about how I am modest inwardly. To be modest on the outside is not enough; a Christian needs to be modest in appearance AND in thought. That's where the hypocrites fail; they're fine with looking nice and clean-cut on the outside, but are incredibly filthy inward. Christ Himself constantly warned us of that by pointing to the Pharisees, who had rules on top of the many rules that they followed; yet, when it came down to the spirit of the Law, they conveniently didn't bother with it. They rather have had their checklists and ignore the entire point of the Law (That is, God separated the Hebrews from everyone else and made them unique; they were made uniquely His.).

I urge you to not only be modest outwardly, but to be more than willing to be modest inwardly; speak encouragingly and with edifying words. Peace be with you today!

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