
This week in Scripture; falling behind!

This week, I'm focusing on Isaiah 12:4, which goes like this:

And you will say in that day: "Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.

We often thank God during the good moments and when things are going well. The world is bright and sunny; kids are behaving well and your spouse is in good health.

What happens when the clouds and rain roll in, the kids misbehave and your healthy spouse suddenly becomes ill? Do we even bother thanking God that His grace is sufficient and His strength is perfect? We often grumble and complain; the Hebrews did the same thing after they escaped Egypt. After they came to the Promised Land. After they got their king. After they get what they want.

What happens when we get what we want? We often see something that's "better", so we demand that "better" thing. That sounds like a spoiled child, doesn't it?

Why not thank God for the blessings He chooses to give as well as the things He holds back from us? Could it be that what we may want at that moment isn't what we need?


I've really been falling behind as of late and that's pitiful of me! I am sorry for that!