
This week in Scripture; sniffles, sneezes and "Wake up, lady!"

My weekly Scripture verse to memorize is this:

The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. - Psalm 16:5

This past weekend, my pastor had read this psalm as our call to worship and this particular verse jumped out for me. My lot was cast before the beginning of the world and it's the LORD that called me to Him. In return, I make Him my portion and my cup; everything else falls into place.

Speaking of lots: Our entire house has come down with the sniffles and sneezes (We all have sinus issues, even little Bee!); last night, my husband lovingly made a curry that had quite a kick to it (and sent our sinus issues reeling). Let's just say that we all had clear sinuses last night...for a little while.

Bee's favorite phrase in the morning? "Wake up, lady!" Apparently, she heard her daddy say that to me every morning and decided to pick up where he left off. God must have a sense of humor, otherwise I wouldn't have a mimic for a child and a husband that is popular with mimics.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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