
No He Can't by Kevin McCullough

(This is a longer version of my review for BookSneeze.)

In No He Can't, the author proceeds to explain how our current President is not the best for the United States. Mr. McCullough goes into detail how he predicted the outcome of the 2008 and 2010 elections (The ushering in of Barack Obama in 2008, followed with the Tea Party-backed candidates for Congress in 2010, respectfully.).

While explaining himself clearly, Mr. McCullough also runs the risk of being redundant, but he uses that redundancy to further prove his points that Obama has lied to the American people, treats them with contempt and puffs himself up in the process. Mr. McCullough points to the economy, the rising unemployment rate and the various polls that have been done on various news networks as some of the reasons behind his views in regards to "Hope and Change".

He also brings up President Obama's willingness to appease "leaders" that are overwhelmingly hostile toward the US, as well as his appeasement toward Muslims.

While Mr. McCullough espouses the Christian faith, he merely glosses over it as if the reader is a believer.

Overall, this does give a Conservative or an Independent enough information to cast the vote for someone that is more willing to help the American cause, rather than to destroy it.

I received a free copy of this book from BookSneeze in order to give this my honest review.

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