
Socks, Church and Really, Really Good Food!

So far, Monkey's been a good pattern; I just started the toe decreases on sock one. Photos coming soon on that. I really liked how the lace pops out, even when the sock isn't even blocked! The yarn that I chose for it (Alpaca Sox) is really soft on my feet; that and I reversed the sole of the sock (I made the purl-side facing down so I don't have to deal with the ridges hurting my feet; yes, my feet are that sensitive. Other socks I've made I can't wear due to the purl ridges rubbing my soles raw.).

Non-knitting news: I'm slowly digesting tonight's meal, courtesy of the Harvest "Winter Banquet" (Formerly Valentine's Banquet; single Marines felt left out!). Mike's Farm definitely makes the best macaroni and cheese EVA!

I think this group o' Presbyterians got the Baptists beat when it comes to potlucks and meals; no one leaves hungry and everyone leaves happy, thanks to awesome fellowship with like-minded believers and simply delish food to boot (To be honest, I look forward to the fellowship than the meal; being around other Christians energizes my spirit.)!

Anywho, off to sleepy-time; church in the morning!


Biz said...

I have seen you on ravelry. HI! I have a killer crockpot mac'n'cheese recipe. If you want me to give it to you, just let me know!

Unknown said...

By all means, send it my way! I LOVE mac 'n' cheese!